by Jemima Anderson | Apr 7, 2021 | Blog
If you care about your overall health and just realized that you need dental crowning, making the wrong choice can affect your teeth. Aside from gingivitis and periodontitis, it could cost you a lot of money and pain, and yet dental crowns still have many positives....
by Jemima Anderson | Apr 7, 2021 | Blog, Dental News
Endless misinformation and myth revolve around cancer. Some products, foods, and activities are believed to cause the illness, while others are thought to cure or decrease your risk of getting it. However, when it comes to oral cancer, a lot to do with lifestyle...
by Jemima Anderson | Apr 7, 2021 | Blog, Dental News
You probably are aware of dental cavities, tooth decay, and related tooth problems. And that sugar feeds the bacteria that cause this decay. The effects of acid on teeth are understated. Not the acid most people know about, but the natural acids in foods and drinks,...
by Jemima Anderson | Apr 7, 2021 | Blog
Dental care does not need to stop because you are pregnant. You should take better care of not only your physical health but your overall health as well. When you are pregnant, you are more susceptible to diseases and are at a higher risk of developing gum disease,...
by Jemima Anderson | Mar 19, 2021 | Blog, Dental SEO, Orthodontists SEO
When patients look for a new dentist, Google is often one of the first places they go. However, a Google search for “dentist” returns over 488 million results. How can new patients be more likely to find your office? Please enter the SEO of the dental...