Endless misinformation and myth revolve around cancer. Some products, foods, and activities are believed to cause the illness, while others are thought to cure or decrease your risk of getting it. However, when it comes to oral cancer, a lot to do with lifestyle factors can be scientifically be linked to the disease. That ends the speculation around it and gives patients the chance to minimize their exposure.

Oral cancer is one of the most common cancer types. It can be challenging to detect. And it is mainly diagnosed in its later stages. To treat the same, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are advised. Like many forms of cancers, your chances of developing oral cancer can get attributed to genetics and hereditary factors. However, unlike other types of cancers, most cases of oral cancers develop due to lifestyle habits such as the use of alcohol-based mouthwash.

Alcohol-based mouthwash a risk factor that causes cells in your mouth to dehydrate and weaken. That makes the mouth cells more susceptible to the mutations that can result in cancer. That is because alcohol is a known carcinogen and is found in many types of mouthwash.

Alcohol and Oral Cancer

The suggested association between cancer and mouthwash is related to the alcohol content in mouthwashes, especially traditional ones. Many formulas for a majority of mouthwashes contain twenty-five percent alcohol, which is high content.

Essentially, swishing your mouth multiple times a day is almost similar to taking a shot. However, the risk calculation is based on the patient’s exam findings and health history. Moderation is key.

Mouthwash is meant to kill bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease. The good thing is, there are safer options that can offer the same results without introducing additional risks to your health.

That is where a non-alcoholic mouthwash comes in. It all trickles down to knowing your medical history and moderation.

Bearing in mind your medical history and that of your family is crucial in gauging potential risks and forming healthy habits. If a family member has experienced oral cancer or has been diagnosed with other forms of cancers in the past, you have higher risks of getting the disease. In this case, a non-alcoholic mouthwash is ideal.

Anytime you use a product purported to cause cancer, you need to have it in moderation. Using an alcohol-based mouthwash according to instructions may not have adverse effects. However, if there are overuse and misuse, those with an elevated risk may be susceptible to oral cancer.

Symptoms of oral cancer

Some of the signs and symptoms of oral cancer include:

  • Persistent mouth sores
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Weight loss
  • Red or white patch on the tongue, the lining of the mouth, or gums
  • Persistent mouth pain
  • Thickening of the neck
  • Loosening of the teeth
  • Numbness of the tongue
  • Jaw swelling
  • Voice changes
  • A lump in the neck

The Importance of Screenings

Visiting a dentist for elderly patients may spot dimension and oral cancer. For this reason, early screening is required. That helps you to begin treatment as early as possible.