Wisdom tooth removal is one of the commonly sought-after dental procedures. It’s also scary and is dreaded by many. However, not everyone with chipped or broken teeth undergoes wisdom tooth removal; the dentist examines you and performs the right procedure for your condition. Wisdom tooth removal mainly uses anesthesia, and the pain is minimal. Nonetheless, pain management is a key part of the wisdom tooth extraction process before, during, and after.

What is wisdom tooth removal?

Your third molars can get impacted in your jaw, necessitating excitation. The procedure is simple and doesn’t take long. Mostly, wisdom tooth extraction is quick and straightforward. However, some complicated cases may involve other procedures like cutting the tooth or removing it in sections.

How much is the pain?

The extraction area will likely be tender, and you’ll experience some pain once the anesthesia wears off. You may feel some discomfort in the extraction site, which is okay. The level of pain is defined by how easy or complicated the extraction process is. Now that the pain after wisdom tooth exaction is normal, how serious should it get?

In the first 24 hours post the procedure, you’ll feel some pain, referred to as nociceptive pain. This may be associated with slight discomfort caused by tissue or bone damage. This type of pain is somewhat superficial and will decrease over time.

Ordinarily, the pain peaks about 6 hours after the extraction, and you may also experience bruising or swelling. After the procedure, the doctor will prescribe pain killers like ibuprofen to help alleviate the pain and discomfort.

You’ll also be required to apply icepacks regularly to limit bruising and swelling at the extraction site. If the procedure was more complex, the dentist might prescribe strong pain killers to keep the pain at bay. Besides, problematic wisdom teeth can be excruciating hence the need for more potent pain relievers.

How long should the pain last?

For most patients, this takes about 3-4 days. After this time, you can go back to your daily activities and tasks. But, for more complex cases or multiple wisdom teeth extractions, this may take 7-10 days.

What about rest?

Rest is vital after surgery, and wisdom tooth extraction is not an exception. It expedites the healing process and allows your body time to recuperate and create more white blood cells. These then build your immunity and help fight off infections. You should avoid exercises or strenuous activity within the first 24 hours after the extraction.

When is the pain abnormal?

As discussed earlier, it’s normal to feel pain and discomfort, which disappears within a few days. But, if you endure excruciating pain from the tooth extraction area, it’s advisable to contact a dentist. You should also seek help in case of prolonged pain, lasting over ten days. This may signify other complications requiring prompt medical attention. Always watch out for signs like;

  • Painful dry sockets
  • Infection

 Quick wrap up

You should always have wisdom teeth extracted by an experienced dentist. Simple mistakes can lead to abnormal pain, which may cause other complications. Also, in case of strange pain after wisdom tooth extraction, call a dentist immediately.