To fully comprehend the advantages of wisdom tooth removal, you must first realize the problems a wisdom tooth can cause.

You may be able to ignore a wisdom tooth that is unobtrusive and painless, but remember, even the asymptomatic molars can damage your gums, thus, causing periodontal disease. The following reactions are just some of the major complications related to an impacted wisdom tooth. Or in other words, they are evidence that wisdom teeth do damage your human energy field.

  • Inflammation in jaw
  • Pain in jaw
  • Irritated and bleeding gums
  • Bad breath
  • Loss of bone

Four Reasons to Remove Your Wisdom Tooth Right Now

Apart from the complications stated above, impacted wisdom teeth contribute to much more serious diseases. Although there are multiple arguments for the advantages of wisdom tooth extraction or removal, here are four reasons that allow you to arrive at an informed decision. Please check them out now.

Swelling and Infection

According to a dentist who removes wisdom teeth with great care, because of an amalgamation of restricted space and incomplete impactions, wisdom teeth often end up swelling the gums. This leads to pain and other health hazards.

Recent researches have shown that if the swelling sets in, you cannot get rid of it easily. It usually spreads to the neighboring areas. When the tooth is impacted partially, the gap between it and the gums becomes a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. The bacteria are responsible for the infection.

Tumors or Cysts

Impacted wisdom teeth can create small cysts or tumors inside the jawbone. You will have unbearable joint pain. Visiting a TMJ (temporomandibular joint) specialist seems like the only viable solution at the moment. That being said, the TMJ treatments are something most people avoid.


When a wisdom tooth erupts, it tries to enter the already crowded region of the mouth. Since there is almost no room, the wisdom tooth pushes the other teeth aside or out from their usual position. This results in misalignment, of course. You lose the captivating straight smile that you have because of genetics or because you wore braces the entire high school.

Difficulty in Cleaning

Even if you do not feel any pain or the obvious problems, wisdom teeth can still put your oral hygiene at risk. Due to minimal space, you will face difficulty to brush or floss. The wisdom teeth are the last of the molars, so they are hard to reach. When you do not clean them for a prolonged period, they become chief targets for plaque buildup and cavities.

While several individuals accommodate wisdom teeth with zero discomfort or problems, there are a few who suffer from complications that exacerbate over time.

If you neglect extraction, you will certainly experience recurring infections that call for medication or other invasive treatments like a root canal. For attaining peace of mind, please talk to a dentist, a wisdom tooth expert, or a maxillofacial/oral surgeon. They can address the concerns with utmost precision.

Prior to scheduling an appointment, make sure to see if the one you are planning to rely on is board-certified and has assured to prioritize your comfort under all circumstances.