Thanks to technology, today, various areas of healthcare continue to improve and advance their clinical workflows. One of the healthcare sectors that has largely benefited from technological advances includes the dental industry. Even though it can be challenging to keep up with new technologies, facilitators must acknowledge the technological future of dentistry. Thus, facilitators using dental technology must educate its target industry better. The most successful dentists and dental procedures will keep up with the latest innovations that will positively impact patient care.

Innovative Denture Construction Techniques

When a tooth is lost due to disease or injury, one can experience various complications. These complications include changes in chewing patterns following discomfort, defective speech and rapid bone loss. The good news is that there are effective remedies for tooth loss, such as complete dentures and dental implants.

Also known as a full denture, a complete denture involves a removable appliance applied when all teeth within a jaw are lost. Thus, a complete denture provides a perfect solution when the teeth must be prosthetically replaced. One of the significant breakthroughs realized in prosthodontics includes manufacturing complete dentures using digital workflow. These dentures have been reported to enhance mechanical properties, fit intaglio surfaces better, provide excellent biocompatibility, and increase patient satisfaction.

However, newer solutions have been realized following massive technological advances. Therefore, better solutions such as dental implants like All On 4 Plus overtake the demand for dentures. Dental implants include medical devices that are surgically inserted into the jaw, thus restoring a patient’s appearance or ability to chew. Dental implants support artificial teeth such as dentures, bridges and crowns.

Typically, dental implant systems comprise a dental implant abutment or dental implant body. The system might also include an abutment fixation screw to support the fake teeth. Talking to your orthodontist before selecting dental implants to fix your teeth problem is best. The professional will help you determine if you are a suitable candidate for dental implants depending on your health and how long it will take you to heal. For instance, smoking may interfere with the healing process and considerably reduce the overall success of the implant.

Dental Technologies Dentists Should Adopt in 2023

  • Voice-Activated Record Keeping

Voice-activated tech can be used in the dentistry sector to help dentists and other team members save time. Instead of notes on the observations for each patient, this technology allows the clinician to call out the observation for each tooth, and the computer records the data within the electronic health record.

  • Intraoral Scanning

Apart from artificial intelligence diagnostic and record-keeping tools, medical providers should leverage other modern technologies also. Intraoral scanning technology allows hygienists to take a complete mouth scan giving more transparent images of one’s mouth in real-time. This way, patients can see a clearer picture of what is happening in their mouth and discuss suitable treatment plans with their orthodontics.

  • Artificial Intelligence(AI) to Stream Workflows

Dental care providers can utilize AI technology to streamline workflow and help with treatment planning. As a result, this can strengthen the provider-patient relationship and help deliver consistent diagnoses and treatment plans for each patient.