Tooth grinding is a prevalent issue that affects men and women alike. If left untreated, enamel grinding can result in severe dental problems. Sadly, many people don’t realize how enamel grinding can impact their overall health. Tooth grinding can damage your enamel, leading to loose teeth that may even fall out.

What are the common signs of teeth clenching?

Teeth grinding is destructive and can damage your teeth. The issues resulting from this undesirable behavior include; cracked enamel, sore jaw muscles, sensitive teeth, jaw pain, and broken teeth. However, there are multiple ways to resolve this. For instance, a custom-made bite splint can prevent destruction. It may minimize your clenching ability and ease the associated pain.

What are the best ways to stop teeth clenching & grinding?

  1. Check your diet

Consuming foods that you’re allergic to may cause tooth grinding. For some people, eliminating such foods from their diet can drastically reduce teeth clenching. It’s then advisable to avoid foods that you’re allergic to or believe that they trigger clenching when consumed.

Also, vitamin deficiency like calcium or magnesium is believed a connection with teeth grinding. Therefore, have a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and consider multivitamin supplements. They will help replenish lost vitamins and minerals.

  1. Exercising often

Exercising is associated with a host of health benefits. It lifts your mood, changes how you feel and your entire neurological experience. These changes may help reverse undesirable habits like tooth grinding and clenching. Examples of bruxism exercises to consider are;

  • Physical therapy
  • Stretching exercises
  • Focused relaxation
  • Massage
  • Awareness exercises
  • Mediation
  1. Modify the sounds in your sleeping area

Teeth grinding can disrupt your sleep and delay REM sleep. And I believe you’re aware of the impact of lack of sleep on your health. Your dreams can have a strong influence on your tooth clenching habits, and you can influence them by changing the sounds in your room. This way, you make it more peaceful and enjoy pleasant dreams that help reduce teeth clenching. For the best sounds, consider a soothing sound gadget with recorded soundtracks.

  1. Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a potent tool for people who wish to quit smoking, lose excess weight, and break undesirable habits. Hypnosis can also help in teeth clenching individuals in many ways. While under hypnosis, you enter a trance-like state and experience heightened concentration levels.

Also, you stay in control of your behavior and feel more relaxed, which helps minimize undesired behaviors. It helps address the main causes of bruxism, like stress and other triggers. If this doesn’t work, you can always consult a dentist online when physical check up is not possible.

  1. Body massage

Massage is a great way to relax your body and muscles. Stress and anxiety can result in teeth clenching, and dealing with this helps alleviate the behavior. Regular body massage can help minimize your frequency of tooth grinding. For instance, jaw massage helps increase your blood flow and reduce muscle tightness.

Final thoughts

Various things can help with tooth clenching. Start with doing what you enjoy, for this relaxes your body and alleviates stress. Also, consider the mentioned ideas and seek help from your doctor.