Brushing and flossing aren’t enough for healthy teeth. We all need to have regular dental checkups to help identify and treat issues early enough. However, not everyone enjoys visiting the dentist’s office. The reason? Dental a fear and anxiety! Many people get frightened about seeking dental help and can’t bring themselves to book that dental appointment. Fortunately, there are various ways to deal with this. Dental clinics are also equipped with tools and techniques to help calm dentally anxious patients.

What are different procedures performed in a dental clinic?

There are different types of dental procedures. However, every patient has a unique dental issue and history, and the dentist will customize the services to fit their needs. The services provided by a general dentist include;

  • Dental examinations
  • Fillings
  • Dental crowns
  • Tooth extractions
  • Implants
  • Braces and more.

In more specialized health facilities, a dental clinic will usually include dentistry and orthodontics. Orthodontics is a procedure that helps align and straighten crooked teeth; this improves oral health, minimizes the risk of tooth decay and root canal treatments.

 What are the best ways to cope with dental anxiety?

There are various strategies to beat dental fear. Regular checkups are critical and will resolve issues before they become severe. This avoids most complex interventions that require advanced tools and equipment. Such equipment can cause fear among patients. Discussing your fears with the dentist also helps. The health provider will address your concerns and help you calm down.

What’s in dental clinics for the dentally anxious?

  1. Music& sources of distraction

Nowadays, dentists give patients a lot of control over the procedure being performed. For instance, the professional allows you time to relax and only begin the procedure when ready. Distractions are also common, and these may include soothing music to calm you down and not focus much on the procedure being performed.

  1. Scheduling& Numbing

Patients suffering from dental fear should seek services in the morning. And this is when you’re unlikely to have encountered stressors in your daily activities.

Also, anxious patients make up half of all dentist’s clientele, and dentists schedule most appointments in the morning. So you may also have to wait in a long queue in the afternoon, giving you more time to worry. The dentist will also numb your gums to ease pain during dental procedures.

  1. Friendly environment

The environment matters a lot in dental care. Nowadays, most modern clinics use comfort blankets, sterile lighting, well-adorned walls with relaxing paintings and posters. You’ll also get many reading materials on waiting room tables. Moreover, some clinics offer food and beverages to make patients feel welcome and comfortable.

  1. Ambient odors& Alternative procedures

You’ll now find automatic air fresheners in most dental clinics. Alternative approaches such as aromatherapy are also available. These help generate positive psychological effects and improved mood in anxious patients.

  1. Guided imagery& Relaxation techniques


Guided imagery is a form of mental escape that involves focused relaxation. Guided imagery helps create a sense of harmony between your body and mind. It supports you to focus on your imagination which results in calm and peaceful feelings.

The bottom line

Nowadays, dentists try various things to help anxious patients to calm down. If you fear going to the dentist, you expect to get a better experience in your next appointment. Therefore, schedule orthodontics, implant, or any other procedure and enjoy a more relaxed environment.